Our Valsangiacomo wines as a boba varietysurprised one more year in the long-awaited event Placer Bobal 2016, organized by the DO Utiel-Requena to publicize the typicities of an increasingly appreciated wine. Bobal de San Juan Tinto, Bobal de San Juan Rosado and Clos de San Juan – all three 100% bobal – stood out for the great reception among professionals and wine lovers, who met on June 20 at the Hotel Las Arenas in Valencia.

Among all his references, Valsangiacomo wanted to highlight Bobal de San Juan Tinto 2014 as “Bobal Singular”, within the initiative promoted by the DO under this name, aimed at each winery highlighting a wine for its special characteristics.


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During the event, our CEO Carlos Valsangiacomo also took the opportunity to define another of the star products made with this variety: Clos de San Juan 2012. ((See video of Wines and Spirits Television: Valsangiacomo at Placer Bobal 2016 ))

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Fenavin Contact 2016

Valsangiacomo wines were also present on June 21 and 22 at Fenavin Contact 2016 (Ciudad Real), a professional wine show that brought together buyers from more than 5o countries. The greatest interest fell on our award-winning mistela Cuva Vella, which continues to occupy a special place in all the fairs it attends.

cuva vella en fenavin contact